The Rainy 2019 Baja 1000
OK, I’m going to do my best to account for all that went on during this race and not try to sugar coat anything and just tell it as it[…]
Read moreOur first 1st Place Finish!!
You go out and run races that are 100’s of miles, and some times over 1000 miles, so one would think you could race a total of 132 miles standing[…]
Read moreTrabi Travels
Not sure what happened to my Blog at Blogger, but here it is and I’ll be using H12:One for all of my updates.It has been some time and hard to[…]
Read moreThe Race
We race in Baja, Mexico.
The Car
Why Class 11?
The Team
We have USA and Mexico teams.
The Car
Horsepower: 72-76
Wheel Travel: 5.5 Front, 5 Rear
Weight: 1950-2100 Pounds
Top Speed: 90
Cost New: Vehicle + $3,000-5,000
Cost Per Prep: $500-2,500

Media Lounge
The Building of 1121
The build of this little Giant is going to take place at the RLM head quarters in Ensenada, Baja CA. We have converted our home building

Team H12:One thanks you, our Sponsors and Product supporters for believing in Us, Our Vision, and our Purpose